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Please take a minute to read our Store Instructions:

-Find your activity.
-Select your favorite pictures with a star!
-Select the package you would like to order using the quick order button in the the thumbs page.
-Add it to your shopping cart.
-Select the option of "different photos".
-Select the pictures that you would like.
-Click finish.
-Go to your shopping cart.
-Please review the order to make sure your selections and quantities are correct.
-If everything is ok, click on secure checkout.
-Please login.
-Please enter your billing, shipping, and contact information.
-If you can't find your photos please request them at:, don't forget to mention which adventure you did with us, as well as the date, time and group of your activity.

Note: Cabo Adventures does not request personal information by e-mail or any other source other than this store.
Please just click continue to see your photos, it's not necessary to login.